New WiSER™ 3X WiFi Options

WiSER™ 3X new update available

Are you having troubles to record data with your WiSER™ 3X? Is your workplace wireless communication too saturated?, with this new update we can help you, improve your wireless triaxial accelerometer communication fast and easy.

Wireless Accelerometer WISER 3X

When recording data on site or our company, the large amount of data traffic can often interfere with the wireless communication of your measurement devices, so it is essential to have a collector that adapts to our needs.

This new WiSER™ 3X firmware update allows you to choose a different Wi-Fi channel to communicate with your laptop, mobile, or tablet.

Update your WiSER 3X and change the Wi-Fi Channel is very easy, follow our quick guides or contact our Technical support team to do it